The Silence, cruel and fast, Euron’s single mast galley; from 'The Reaver' chapter; A Feast for Crows

The Silence: Black sails and dark red hull
"Silence looked both cruel and fast"

The Silence, cruel and fast, Euron's single mast galley

After Aegon the Conqueror put an end to the Hoare's Black Line, melting Harrenhal and torching Harren the Black with all his sons in the fires of Balerion the Black Dread, the Iron Islands fell into chaos, so many battles were fought between rival factions in the attempt to establish a new ruling power structure; so many people died, it is reported, that so much blood went into the water that krakens come up to the surface!

It is more than likely Euron Greyjoy is looking to put much blood in the waters as soon as he meet with the Redwyne fleet!

The new information regarding krakens being attracted by blood in the water, from the chapter about Aegon I Reign in the recently published Fire and Blood, may be indication that King Euron is about to attempt some human sacrifice letting much blood in the water to attract krakens to be used some way in the upcoming battle against the Iron Throne fleet.

Reference excerpt from the book: The Reaver; A Feast for Crows

Victarion's gaze was drawn to the iron figurehead at her prow, the mouthless maiden with the windblown hair and outstetched arm.

Her mother-of-pearl eyes seemed to follow him.

She had a mouth like any other woman, till the Crow's Eye sewed it shut.

Creative Commons License The Silence, Euron Greyjoy's Single Mast Galley. by Winter Design is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
