
Showing posts from 2019

'The red mountains of Dorne at their backs' Arthur Dayne chapter 'Eddard X', AGOT

Balerion the Black Dread and Maegor the Cruel; 'The Sons of the Dragon' Fire and Blood

Prince Baelon, Queen Alysanne & the Dragon Vhaegar; 'The Long Reign - Jaehaerys and Alysanne' Fire and Blood

Jon Connington with Blackheart's golden skull at the Golden Company camp; 'The Lost Lord' A Dance With Dragons

Euron Greyjoy Gods Killer; The Forsaken, The Winds of Winter Preview Chapter

Daemon Targaryen and the girl Nettles; 'The Dying of the Dragons', Fire and Blood

Ser Arthur Dayne knighting Jaime Lannister; 'Jaime I', A Feast for Crows

Viserion's lair below the Great Pyramid of Meereen; 'The Dragontamer', A Dance with Dragons