Daemon Targaryen and the girl Nettles; 'The Dying of the Dragons', Fire and Blood

Daemon Targaryen and Nettles: ‘A queen’s words, a whore’s work’
Daemon Targaryen and Nettles: ‘A queen’s words, a whore’s work’
Mooton's maester present Daemon Targaryen the letter from queen Rhaenyra destined to end their marriage and the prince's war

Reference excerpt from the book: The Dying of the Dragons - Rhaenyra Triumphant; Fire and Blood

The maester, a young man of two-and-twenty, found Prince Daemon and the girl Nettles at their supper that night, and showed them the queen's letter.

"Weary after a long day of fruitless flight, they were sharing a simple meal of boiled beef and beets when I entered, talking softly with each other, of what I cannot say.

The prince greeted me politely but as he read I saw the joy go from his eyes, and a sadness descended upon him, like a weight to weary to be borne.

When the girl asked what was in the letter, he said,

‘A queen’s words, a whore’s work’.”

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